Piteau Associates Participates in SME Technical Session
Piteau Associates a Tetra Tech Company attended the 2022 SME conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. Where members of our Reno and Shrewsbury teams participated in the “Mining & Exploration: Geosciences: Mine Dewatering and Hydrology: Lessons Learned & Practical Applications” technical session, Chaired by Stephanie Douglas, a member of the Piteau Elko team. We contributed to 3 points of discussion in conjunction with other industry experts:
“Dewatering Implementation Across Highly Transmissive and Low Permeability Hydrogeologic Settings”: Tyler Cluff (Reno), Presented with KGHM Polska Miedz SA:
“Case Study: Importance of a Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model to Underpin Operational and Closure Decisions”: John Rupp (Reno), Brian Anderson (Reno) Geoff Beale (Shrewsbury), presented as representatives for University of Reno, Hydrologic Sciences with Geology, Lancaster Faculty of Science and Technology, Lancaster:
“The Complete Dewatering Cycle at the Lisheen Min, Ireland”: Geoff Beale (Shrewsbury)
For a synopsis of each topic please visit the SME website: https://www.smeannualconference.com/index.cfm/conference/program/technical-sessions/ pages 76 and 77.