Mine Water Management Webinars
In collaboration with the Geological Society of South Africa (GSSA), the Ground Water Division of the GSSA (GWD) and the IAH - International Association of Hydrogeologists (South Africa Chapter), Piteau Associates hosted a series of free webinars on mine water management in July and August of 2020. The presentations were very well attended by participants world wide and several can be viewed on the GSSA YouTube Channel:
Introduction to Open Pit Dewatering
Presented by Geoff Beale - Chief Advisor: Hydrogeology for Piteau Associates
Water Management for Underground Mines – Interaction Between Underground and Open Pit
Presented by Geoff Beale - Chief Advisor: Hydrogeology for Piteau Associates
Geoff Beale has 41 years’ experience with mine water management, and has worked in over 60 countries, in all major commodities, and in all climatic zones. He is regarded for his wide-ranging experience with open pit and underground mine dewatering, and has been involved with many of the world’s largest mining operations. Geoff is the co-editor of the CSIRO Guidelines for Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability, and has contributed chapters to the Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design, Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design in Weak Rocks, and Guidelines for Mine Waste Dump and Stockpile Design.
Applied water balance modelling & surface water management
Presented by Simon Sholl - Operations Manager Piteau UK, Senior Hydrogeologist
Simon Sholl has an MSc in Hydrogeology & 15 year’s experience with mine water management projects throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe & South America. He has constructed water balance and chemical mass balance models for a range of mine sites and project phases spanning pre-feasibility, operations, and closure.
Applied Hydrogeological Modelling for Mine Water Management
Presented by Florent Boddaert - Hydrogeologist with Piteau Associates.
Florent has an MSc in Geological Engineering, with a specialization in Water Resources, and has over 9 years of consulting experience in mining hydrogeology. He specializes in groundwater modelling in support of environmental impact assessment (EIA) and open-pit mine depressurization and dewatering studies. Florent is highly skilled with many numerical groundwater modelling applications and tools. He has worked on numerous projects throughout Europe, South America, Sub-Saharan Africa and the USA.